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1. Botulism may be associated with all of the following except:

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2. Treatment of peptic ulcers with magnesium hydroxide is characterised by:

3 / 50

3. Which site of gastric carcinoma is easily overlooked. by barium meal study?

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4. The most reliable screening test for patients suffering from malabsorption is:

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5. Which of the following agent’s absorption is least affected in massive small bowel resection?

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6. Pyloric stenosis is commonly associated. with all except:

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7. Regarding carcinoma of oesophagus, all are true except:

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8. ‘Sago spleen’ is found in:

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9. Which is true regarding irritable bowel syndrome?

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10. Manometric study of the lower oesophagus is important in all except:

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11. All the drugs are given at some time in the treatment of carcinoid syndrome except:

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12. Major organ responsible for the removal of gastrin is:

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13. NSAID-induced ulcers are best treated by:

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14. Regarding solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS), which of the following is false?

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15. Secretin is produced in largest quantities in:

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16. Bentiromide test diagnoses?

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17. Which of the following immunoglobulins may be depressed in Giardia lamblia infestation?

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18. Which cardiovascular disorder is not associated with steatorrhoea?

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19. The most common cause of Budd-Chiari syndrome is:

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20. All of the following produce invasive diarrhoea except:

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21. Which one of the following is not a space-occupying disease of liver?

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22. Which of the following clotting factors retains its activity in hepatocellular disorder?

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23. Upper GI bleeding, angioid streaks in retina and yellowish skin papules indicate:

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24. High transaminase levels may be found in all except:

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25. The major immunoglobulin in primary biliary cirrhosis is:

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26. Hepatic amoebiasis is associated with all except:

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27. Which statement is false regarding duodenal ulcer?

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28. Chronicity in hepatitis C virus infection is:

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29. A child having diarrhoea later complicated by the appearance of rash and petechiae. The most probable diagnosis is:

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30. Carbenoxolone sodium may be associated with all of the following features except:

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31. Acute viral hepatitis may develop from all of the following except:

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32. The inheritance of cystic fibrosis is:

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33. Carcinoid syndrome:

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34. All are absorbed maximally in the upper small intestine except:

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35. Carcinoma of oesophagus may be predisposed by alt except:

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36. Which segment of the colon is commonly affected by vascular insufficiency?

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37. All of the following endocrine disorders are associated with malabsorption except:

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38. Severe kwashiorkor may have a hepatic lesion in the form of:

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39. Congenital hepatic fibrosis may be associated with:

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40. The commonest site of carcinoma of the stomach is:

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41. The most common gastrointestinal disorder in a community is:

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42. Which segment of the Gl tract is most susceptible to volvulus?

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43. Gum hypertrophy is not a feature of:

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44. In coeliac sprue, which of the following is non-deficient in the body?

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45. The lower oesophageal mucosa ring (Schatzki ring) is:

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46. The classical triad in carcinoid syndrome is:

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47. Superficial venous flow in portal hypertension is:

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48. Elevation in 5-HIAA (5 hydroxy-indole acetic acid) in urine is found in all except:

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49. Giardiasis is characterised by all except:

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50. The commonest cause of pancreatic calcification is:

Dr Abu-Ahmed
Dr Abu-Ahmed

Dr Abu Ahmed, an Internist & Graphic Designer, has brought this website to help Medical Students in the subject of Internal Medicine.

Articles: 25

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