Gastroenterology Home Gastroenterology 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 6 Gastroenterology 1 / 50 1. Botulism may be associated with all of the following except: A. Constipation B. Descending paralysis C. Increased salivation D. Diplopia 2 / 50 2. Treatment of peptic ulcers with magnesium hydroxide is characterised by: A. Suitable for patients with renal impairment B. Produces loose stool C. Stronger than H2-receptor blockers D. 50% of magnesium is absorbed by the small intestine 3 / 50 3. Which site of gastric carcinoma is easily overlooked. by barium meal study? A. Antrum B. Body C. Lesser curvature D. Cardia 4 / 50 4. The most reliable screening test for patients suffering from malabsorption is: A. D-xylose absorption test B. Small intestinal X-rays C. Radioactive triolein absorption (breath) test D. Quantitative determination of faecal fat 5 / 50 5. Which of the following agent’s absorption is least affected in massive small bowel resection? A. Vitamin B12 B. Fat C. Ca++ D. Salt and water 6 / 50 6. Pyloric stenosis is commonly associated. with all except: A. Distension of upper abdomen with succussion splash B. Bilious vomiting C. Obliteration of Traube’s space tympanicity D. Visible peristalsis 7 / 50 7. Regarding carcinoma of oesophagus, all are true except: A. Dysphagia starts with solid foods B. Tracheo-esophageal fistula may occur in advanced disease C. Odynophagia may be a symptom D. Commonest site of affection is lower third 8 / 50 8. ‘Sago spleen’ is found in: A. Chronic active hepatitis B. Focal amyloidosis C. Felty’s syndrome D. Chronic myeloid leukaemia 9 / 50 9. Which is true regarding irritable bowel syndrome? A. Temporary relief of pain by the passage of flatus or stool B. Pain abdomen usually lasts for 1/2 hour C. Nocturnal pain abdomen is frequent complaint D. Periodicity is common 10 / 50 10. Manometric study of the lower oesophagus is important in all except: A. Mallory-Weiss syndrome B. Achalasia cardia C. Polymyositis D. Diffuse oesophageal spasm 11 / 50 11. All the drugs are given at some time in the treatment of carcinoid syndrome except: A. Methylxanthine bronchodilator B. beta-adrenergic agonist C. Serotonin antagonist D. H1 + H2 receptor antagonist 12 / 50 12. Major organ responsible for the removal of gastrin is: A. Intestine B. Liver C. Lung D. Kidney 13 / 50 13. NSAID-induced ulcers are best treated by: A. Prostaglandins like misoprostol B. Coating agents like sucralfate C. Proton pump inhibitors D. H2-receptor antagonists 14 / 50 14. Regarding solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS), which of the following is false? A. Commonly in the posterior wall of rectum B. Rectal bleeding and tenesmus are common C. Rectal prolapse and straining by patient are common associations D. Surgery by resection rectopexy may be done 15 / 50 15. Secretin is produced in largest quantities in: A. Duodenum B. Ileum C. Jejunum D. Stomach 16 / 50 16. Bentiromide test diagnoses? A. Pancreatic carcinoma B. Pancreatic ductal obstruction C. Endocrine pancreatic function D. Exocrine pancreatic function 17 / 50 17. Which of the following immunoglobulins may be depressed in Giardia lamblia infestation? A. IgD B. IgG C. IgM D. IgA 18 / 50 18. Which cardiovascular disorder is not associated with steatorrhoea? A. Congestive cardiac failure B. Left atrial myxoma C. Mesenteric vascular insufficiency D. Constrictive pericarditis 19 / 50 19. The most common cause of Budd-Chiari syndrome is: A. Hepatoma B. Oral contraceptives C. Valve in hepatic veins D. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 20 / 50 20. All of the following produce invasive diarrhoea except: A. Campylobacter B. Clostridium perfringens C. Clostridium difficile D. Shigella 21 / 50 21. Which one of the following is not a space-occupying disease of liver? A. Metastatic tumour B. Cyst C. Amyloid D. Gummas 22 / 50 22. Which of the following clotting factors retains its activity in hepatocellular disorder? A. VII B. VIII C. IX D. II 23 / 50 23. Upper GI bleeding, angioid streaks in retina and yellowish skin papules indicate: A. Render-Weber-Osler disease B. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome C. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 24 / 50 24. High transaminase levels may be found in all except: A. Acute viral hepatitis B. Chronic pancreatitis C. Acute myocardial infarction D. Right-sided heart failure 25 / 50 25. The major immunoglobulin in primary biliary cirrhosis is: A. IgD B. IgA C. IgM D. IgG 26 / 50 26. Hepatic amoebiasis is associated with all except: A. Right lower intercostal tenderness B. May lead to the development of an amoebic liver abscess C. Abscess commonly affects the right lobe D. Jaundice is present in majority 27 / 50 27. Which statement is false regarding duodenal ulcer? A. An increase in serum pepsinogen II level B. More common in first degree relatives of duodenal ulcer patients C. Increased incidence of HLA-B5 antigen D. Increased frequency of blood group O and of the non-secretor status 28 / 50 28. Chronicity in hepatitis C virus infection is: A. 50% B. 80% C. 10% D. 30% 29 / 50 29. A child having diarrhoea later complicated by the appearance of rash and petechiae. The most probable diagnosis is: A. Shigella B. Yersinia C. Rota virus D. Campylobacter 30 / 50 30. Carbenoxolone sodium may be associated with all of the following features except: A. May be associated with milk-alkali syndrome B. Complicated by oedema C. Development of potassium depletion D. Development of systemic hypertension 31 / 50 31. Acute viral hepatitis may develop from all of the following except: A. Yellow fever B. Herpes zoster virus C. Cytomegalovirus D. Infectious mononucleosis 32 / 50 32. The inheritance of cystic fibrosis is: A. Sex-linked dominant B. Autosomal dominant C. Sex-linked recessive D. Autosomal recessive 33 / 50 33. Carcinoid syndrome: A. Produces jaundice B. Is multiple in 1/5th cases C. Increases BP D. More common in women 34 / 50 34. All are absorbed maximally in the upper small intestine except: A. Vitamin B12 B. Folate C. Fe++ D. Ca++ 35 / 50 35. Carcinoma of oesophagus may be predisposed by alt except: A. Chronic achalasia cardia B. Lye ingestion C. Plummer-Vinson syndrome D. Hypervitaminosis A 36 / 50 36. Which segment of the colon is commonly affected by vascular insufficiency? A. Transverse colon B. Splenic flexure C. Ascending colon D. Hepatic flexure 37 / 50 37. All of the following endocrine disorders are associated with malabsorption except: A. Diabetes mellitus B. Hyperparathyroidism C. Carcinoid syndrome D. Adrenal insufficiency 38 / 50 38. Severe kwashiorkor may have a hepatic lesion in the form of: A. Fatty infiltration B. Laennec’s cirrhosis C. Hepatitis-like picture D. Hepatic vein thrombosis 39 / 50 39. Congenital hepatic fibrosis may be associated with: A. Medullary sponge kidney B. Atrial septal defect C. Retroperitoneal fibrosis D. Endocardial fibroelastosis 40 / 50 40. The commonest site of carcinoma of the stomach is: A. Lesser curvature B. Body of the stomach C. Prepyloric D. Greater curvature 41 / 50 41. The most common gastrointestinal disorder in a community is: A. Diverticulitis B. Duodenal ulcer C. Reflux oesophagitis D. Irritable bowel syndrome 42 / 50 42. Which segment of the Gl tract is most susceptible to volvulus? A. Stomach B. Small intestine C. Caecum D. Sigmoid colon 43 / 50 43. Gum hypertrophy is not a feature of: A. Amlodipine therapy B. Acute monocytic leukaemia C. Scurvy D. Carbamazepine therapy 44 / 50 44. In coeliac sprue, which of the following is non-deficient in the body? A. Folic acid B. Iron C. Vitamin B12 D. Serum albumin 45 / 50 45. The lower oesophageal mucosa ring (Schatzki ring) is: A. A late complication of vagotomy B. A cause of dysphagia C. A normal oesophageal anatomy D. A cause of haematemesis and/ or melaena 46 / 50 46. The classical triad in carcinoid syndrome is: A. Pruritus, wheezing, diarrhoea B. Telangiectasias, flushing, diarrhoea C. Flushing, diarrhoea, valvular heart disease D. Dyspnoea, flushing, valvular heart disease 47 / 50 47. Superficial venous flow in portal hypertension is: A. Towards umbilicus B. Below upwards C. Away from the umbilicus D. Above downwards 48 / 50 48. Elevation in 5-HIAA (5 hydroxy-indole acetic acid) in urine is found in all except: A. Coeliac sprue B. Carcinoid syndrome C. Systemic mastocytosis D. Whipple’s disease 49 / 50 49. Giardiasis is characterised by all except: A. Inflammation of duodenal and jejunal mucosa B. Infection usually occurs by ingesting contaminated water containing the flagellate form C. Lactose intolerance D. Malabsorption 50 / 50 50. The commonest cause of pancreatic calcification is: A. Hyperthyroidism B. Alcohol abuse C. Protein-energy malnutrition D. 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