ECG Quiz

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ECG Quiz

This quiz will test your knowledge of ECGs.

15 ECGs are included in this test.

Please contact us for a complete test in case you are interested.

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1. What type of ECG rhythm is this?

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2. What is the ECG diagnosis in this patient with acute severe chest pain?

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3. What is the positive finding in this ECG?

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4. A young patient presented syncope. What is the ECG suggestive of?

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5. This is an ECG of a patient with diabetes and advanced diabetic retinopathy & nephropathy. What is this ECG suggestive of?

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6. What is the rhythm abnormality in this ECG strip?

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7. Comment what is the cardiac axis in this ECG?

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8. What is the ECG diagnosis

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9. What is the finding

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10. What abnormality is present in this ECG?

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11. A 60-years-old female patient with diabetes presented to you with severe pain in the epigastric region and dizziness. ECG show these changes. What is your diagnosis?

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12. What does this ECG show?

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13. What does this ECG demonstrate?

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14. What does this ECG show?

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15. A 64-years-old, male patient with diabetes, presented to the ER with chest pain and sweating. His cardiac biomarkers were found to be elevated. This is his ECG. What is the diagnosis?

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16. A 53-years-old male patient, with a history of heavy smoking, presented to ER with central crushing chest pain. What is your diagnosis?

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17. The ECG shows

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18. A 60-year-old female with severe epigastric pain presented to you. What else you will look for in this patient?

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19. Patient with severe chest pain and diaphoresis. What is this ECG suggestive of?

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20. What does this ECG show?

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21. What does this ECG show?

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22. What does this ECG showing

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23. This ECG is showing

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24. What is the ECG diagnosis?

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25. The ECG was done on a patient with vomiting & diarrhoea, complaining of lethargy. What is your ECG diagnosis?

Dr Abu-Ahmed
Dr Abu-Ahmed

Dr Abu Ahmed, an Internist & Graphic Designer, has brought this website to help Medical Students in the subject of Internal Medicine.

Articles: 25


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