Rheumatology Home Internal Medicine 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 24 Rheumatology Welcome to Rheumatology Quiz. There are 50 shot-stemmed, single-best type Rheumatology questions. To get a complete quiz link for free, contact us. 1 / 50 1. Hands of scleroderma may classically reveal all except: A. Digital infarcts B. Sclerodactyly C. Livedo reticularis D. Pseudoclubbing 2 / 50 2. Highest incidence of rheumatoid factor (RF) is found in: A. Progressive systemic sclerosis B. Rheumatoid arthritis C. Sjogren’s syndrome D. SLE 3 / 50 3. Raynaud’s phenomenon is not a feature of: A. Dermatomyositis B. Coarctation of aorta C. Ergot ingestion D. Hyperviscosity syndrome 4 / 50 4. Sjogren’s syndrome may be associated with all except: A. Primary biliary cirrhosis B. Myasthenia gravis C. SLE D. Bronchial asthma 5 / 50 5. Which of the following is not an extra-articular manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis? A. Aortic incompetence B. Amyloidosis C. Raynaud’s phenomenon D. Acute pulmonary fibrosis 6 / 50 6. TNF-antagonist used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is: A. Azathioprine B. Salphasalazine C. Etanercept D. Leflunomide 7 / 50 7. HLA B-27 is usually detected in all except: A. Ankylosing spondylitis B. Psoriatic arthritis C. Reactive arthritis D. Systemic lupus erythematosus 8 / 50 8. Drug of choice for relieving pain in osteoarthritis is: A. Diclofenac B. lbuprofen C. Corticosteroids D. Acetaminophen 9 / 50 9. CREST syndrome is an aggregation of calcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia and __? A. Edema B. Exophthalmos C. Endomyocardia D. Esophageal Hypomotility 10 / 50 10. Brucella arthritis commonly affects: A. Metatarsophalangeal joint B. Knee joint C. Spine D. Joints of hands 11 / 50 11. Anti-RNP antibody is diagnostic of: A. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome B. MCTD (Sharp’s syndrome) C. Polymyositis D. Drug-induced SLE 12 / 50 12. Scleroderma-like lesion may be produced by all except: A. Pentazocine B. Vinyl chloride C. Hydralazine D. Bleomycin 13 / 50 13. Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase is beneficial in the treatment of: A. Hepatorenal syndrome B. Bronchial asthma C. Rheumatoid arthritis D. Vasculitis 14 / 50 14. The commonest organism involved in osteomyelitis is: A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis C. Group A beta-haemolytic streptococci D. Salmonella 15 / 50 15. Lupus nephritis is treated by all except: A. Glucocorticoids B. Interferon C. Azathioprine D. Cyclophosphamide 16 / 50 16. Finkelstein’s test is positive in: A. De Quervains’ tenosynovitis B. Ankylosing spondylitis C. Dupuytren’s contracture D. Cervical rib 17 / 50 17. ‘Pathergy’ is characteristic of: A. Leucocytoclastic vasculitis B. Behcet’s syndrome C. Lyme arthritis D. Reiter’s syndrome 18 / 50 18. Osteosclerosis of the spine may be seen in all except: A. Osteomalacia B. Hodgkin’s disease C. Fluorosis D. Osteopetrosis 19 / 50 19. Angioneurotic oedema may be treated by: A. Diuretics B. Danazol C. Mineralocorticoids D. Tropical corticosteroid 20 / 50 20. Inclusion body myositis is characterised by all except: A. Progressive weakness of proximal muscles B. Creatine kinase is mildly elevated C. EMG shows both myopathic and neuropathic patterns D. Pharyngeal muscles are involved in > 50% of the patients 21 / 50 21. Mask-like face is seen in all except: A. Scleroderma B. Myotonic dystrophy C. Parkinsonism D. Depression 22 / 50 22. Paget’s disease is not manifested by: A. High-output cardiac failure B. Angioid streaks in retina C. Coldness of the extremities D. Spontaneous fracture 23 / 50 23. A 20-year woman has repeated attacks of myalgia, non-deforming arthralgia, pericarditis and pleural effusion for two years. The laboratory screening test should be: A. Rheumatoid factor B. CD4 lymphocyte count C. Antinuclear antibodies D. ASO titre 24 / 50 24. Dystrophic calcinosis is classically seen in: A. Vitamin D toxicity B. Scleroderma C. Extravasation of calcium salt during injection D. Hyperparathyroidism 25 / 50 25. Gout may be treated by all except: A. Pegloticase B. Interleukin-1 inhibitor, anakinra C. Benzbromarone D. Olmesartan 26 / 50 26. Subcutaneous nodules are seen in all except: A. Leprosy B. Cysticercosis C. Rheumatic fever D. Dermatomyositis 27 / 50 27. Fibromyalgia is characterised by all except: A. Focal point tenderness B. High CPK C. Improvement by tricyclic antidepressant D. Female preponderance 28 / 50 28. ANF is not found in SLE when there is: A. Overlap syndrome B. Presence of anti-cardiolipin antibody C. Presence of lupus anticoagulant D. Chronic renal failure 29 / 50 29. Jaccoud’s arthropathy is not characteristic of: A. Rheumatic fever B. Sarcoidosis C. Systemic lupus erythematosus D. Reiter’s syndrome 30 / 50 30. Churg-Strauss syndrome commonly manifests as: A. Raynaud’s phenomenon B. Epistaxis C. Sinusitis D. Allergic rhinitis 31 / 50 31. Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is least common in: A. Pachy dermoperiostitis B. Metastatic tumour of lung C. Bronchogenic carcinoma D. Mesothelioma of pleura 32 / 50 32. Polyarthritis is the affection of more than: A. 1 joint B. 3 joints C. 2 joints D. 4 joints 33 / 50 33. Which of the following is not associated with active SLE? A. High serum level of anti-dsDNA B. High serum level of C-reactive protein C. High serum level of ANA D. Low serum level of complement 34 / 50 34. Penicillamine and colchicine both are used in the treatment of: A. Systemic lupus erythematosus B. Rheumatoid arthritis C. Wilson’s disease D. Progressive systemic sclerosis 35 / 50 35. Rheumatoid arthritis patients confront an increased risk of developing all except: A. Gastrointestinal malignancy B. Hodgkin’s disease C. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma D. Leukaemia 36 / 50 36. False-positive serological test (VDRL) persisting for 6 months is seen in all except: A. Glandular fever B. Yaws C. Leprosy D. Antiphospholipid syndrome 37 / 50 37. All of the following indicate poor prognosis in rheumatoid arthritis except: A. Early development of nodules B. Extra-articular manifestations C. Acute onset of disease D. High titre of rheumatoid factor 38 / 50 38. Which of the following is not a recognised complication of SLE? A. Membranous nephropathy B. Minimal lesion nephropathy C. Diffuse glomerulonephritis D. Interstitial nephritis 39 / 50 39. Seronegative arthropathy is not associated with: A. Mononeuritis multiplex B. Enthesopathy C. Sacroiliitis D. Iritis 40 / 50 40. Which is a recognised pulmonary complication of SLE? A. Caplan’s syndrome B. Shrinking lung syndrome C. Hidebound chest syndrome D. Pneumoconiosis 41 / 50 41. Example of autoimmune arthritis is: A. Haemophilic arthritis B. Psoriatic arthritis C. Rheumatoid arthritis D. Osteoarthritis 42 / 50 42. Polarised light microscopy of synovial fluid in gout shows: A. Negatively birefringent monosodium urate crystals B. Positively birefringent calcium urate crystals C. Positively birefringent monosodium urate crystals D. Negatively birefringent calcium urate crystals 43 / 50 43. Osteomalacia may be produced by therapy with all except: A. Ketoconazole B. Glucocorticoids C. Isoniazid D. Phenytoin 44 / 50 44. Raynaud’s phenomenon may be treated by: A. Propranolol B. Methysergide C. Naftidrofuryl D. Dimethyl sulfoxide 45 / 50 45. Lyme arthritis is: A. Bacterial infection B. Viral infection C. Tick-borne spirochetal infection D. Autoimmune disease 46 / 50 46. c-ANCA (antinuclear cytoplasmic antibody) is diagnostic of: A. Microscopic polyarteritis B. Polyarteritis nodosa C. Wegener’s granulomatosis D. Crescentic glomerulonephritis 47 / 50 47. Drug-induced livedo reticularis is seen with: A. Amantadine B. Amiodarone C. Bromocriptine D. Finasteride 48 / 50 48. Antitopoisomerase-1 virtually diagnoses: A. Wegener’s granulomatosis B. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis C. Sjogren’s syndrome D. Progressive systemic sclerosis 49 / 50 49. Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) may develop in all except: A. Pulmonary hypertension B. Heart block C. Alveolar cell neoplasm D. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 50 / 50 50. Which of the following usually presents as monoarthropathy? A. Gout B. SLE C. Rheumatoid arthritis D. Sjogren’s syndrome LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Visit our FB page Restart Quiz Send Feedback Dr Abu-Ahmed Dr Abu Ahmed, an Internist & Graphic Designer, has brought this website to help Medical Students in the subject of Internal Medicine. Articles: 25 Previous Post Gastroenterology Next Post ECG Quiz
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