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Welcome to Neurology Quiz.

There are 50 shot-stemmed, single-best type Neurology questions.

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1 / 266

1. Which one is not a primitive reflex?

2 / 266

2. Carotid artery stenosis gives rise to:

3 / 266

3. All of the following may produce syncope except:

4 / 266

4. Ataxia-telangiectasia is not associated with:

5 / 266

5. The use of which can lead to the development of paranoid psychosis?

6 / 266

6. All of the following produce meningism except:

7 / 266

7. A patient with a history of diplopia, dysarthria, dizziness and ataxia suddenly becomes unconscious. The most probable diagnosis is:

8 / 266

8. Tensilon test improves the muscle weakness in:

9 / 266

9. Pseudobulbar palsy will have all except:

10 / 266

10. Delayed relaxation of ankle jerk is seen in all except:

11 / 266

11. Characteristic of LMN lesion is:

12 / 266

12. Which of the following does not produce wasting of small muscles of hands?

13 / 266

13. The most common psychological disorder in myxoedema is:

14 / 266

14. Corneal reflex tests the integrity of:

15 / 266

15. Jaw claudication is not characteristic of:

16 / 266

16. Chronic fatigue syndrome is fundamentally a:

17 / 266

17. Waddling gait is seen in alt except:

18 / 266

18. Charcot (neuropathic) joint is a recognised complication of all except:

19 / 266

19. Abdominal reflex is usually retained in:

20 / 266

20. Complication of phenytoin does not include?

21 / 266

21. Brushfield’s spots in iris are seen in:

22 / 266

22. Uncinate fits are characteristically seen in tumours of:

23 / 266

23. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome has all the following features except:

24 / 266

24. Perforating ulcer in the sole of foot is found in all except:

25 / 266

25. Slow virus CNS infections are all except:

26 / 266

26. The drug most beneficial in enuresis of a 10-year-old boy is:

27 / 266

27. Muscle pain is not characteristic of:

28 / 266

28. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are all except:

29 / 266

29. Which of the following is a homologue of Hoffman’s sign of upper extremity?

30 / 266

30. Among the following, which is the most common adult muscular dystrophy?

31 / 266

31. Froin’s loculation syndrome does not have:

32 / 266

32. Right middle cerebral artery territory infarction usually does not feature:

33 / 266

33. Alcohol withdrawal is not associated with:

34 / 266

34. Wrist drop is commonly seen in neuropathy induced by:

35 / 266

35. Lithium is not used in:

36 / 266

36. Ptosis with a dilated pupil is observed in:

37 / 266

37. Which is abnormal regarding normal CSF findings?

38 / 266

38. Which group of muscles are almost never affected in polymyositis?

39 / 266

39. Bromocriptine is used in all of the following except:

40 / 266

40. Management of choice in Guillain-Barre syndrome is:

41 / 266

41. In monoplegia, usually, the site of lesion lies in:

42 / 266

42. In lathyrism.. the toxin responsible for the development of neuroparalysis is:

43 / 266

43. Hypertonia is a feature of all except:

44 / 266

44. Albumino-cytological dissociation is not a feature of:

45 / 266

45. Neurofibromatosis leads to an increased risk of having all of the following except:

46 / 266

46. Muscle sense is increased in all except:

47 / 266

47. Which of the following does not produce thickened peripheral nerves?

48 / 266

48. The most common lacunar syndrome in clinical practice is:

49 / 266

49. Chorea may develop from the consumption of:

50 / 266

50. Unilateral ptosis is characteristic of all except:

51 / 266

51. Babinski’s sign is not found in:

52 / 266

52. Which of the following does not produce wasting of small muscles of hands?

53 / 266

53. Cherry red spot in fundoscopy is characteristic of all except:

54 / 266

54. Neurological feature of myxoedema may be:

55 / 266

55. All are the complications of oral contraceptive pills except:

56 / 266

56. Acoustic neuroma most likely leads to paralysis of:

57 / 266

57. alpha-bungarotoxin is associated with neuroparalysis in:

58 / 266

58. “Locked-in syndrome’ occurs in lesions of:

59 / 266

59. Which of the following is not a feature of ‘stage of neural shock’ in hemiplegia?

60 / 266

60. Apneustic breathing is seen in lesion of:

61 / 266

61. The commonest presentation of neurocysticercosis is:

62 / 266

62. True hypertrophy of muscles is found in all except:

63 / 266

63. Narcolepsy is not associated with:

64 / 266

64. Xanthochromia is not a feature of:

65 / 266

65. Cerebral infarction can be detected earliest by:

66 / 266

66. Which is false regarding peripheral vertigo?

67 / 266

67. A cataract is not characteristic of:

68 / 266

68. All of the following are antiepileptic drugs except:

69 / 266

69. Drug-induced myopathy may result from all except:

70 / 266

70. Trismus is seen in all of the following except:

71 / 266

71. Which of the following is not associated with pes cavus?

72 / 266

72. Commonest cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is:

73 / 266

73. Which of the following is false in cluster headache?

74 / 266

74. Crossed hemiplegia indicates that the site of lesion is in:

75 / 266

75. Neurological features of thyrotoxicosis do not include:

76 / 266

76. CSF is absorbed by arachnoid villi which are mainly present in:

77 / 266

77. Which of the following is not a feature of UMN palsy?

78 / 266

78. Brain biopsy in rabies demonstrates?

79 / 266

79. Romberg’s sign is present in:

80 / 266

80. All of the following are recognised lithium toxicity except:

81 / 266

81. Limb-girdle type myopathy inherits the disease as:

82 / 266

82. Phenytoin toxicity may result in all except:

83 / 266

83. Hypersomnolence is found in all except:

84 / 266

84. Myopathy is best diagnosed by:

85 / 266

85. Nimodipine used in subarachnoid haemorrhage:

86 / 266

86. Myxoedema coma is not associated with:

87 / 266

87. Optic neuritis may be produced by all except:

88 / 266

88. All are recognised side effects of lithium except:

89 / 266

89. Which of the following is not a feature of parkinsonism?

90 / 266

90. The common sites of meningioma are alt except:

91 / 266

91. Serum creatine kinase (CK) level is not raised in:

92 / 266

92. The reversible cause of dementia is:

93 / 266

93. MRI is preferred over CT scan of brain in all except:

94 / 266

94. Which of the following is false in polymyositis?

95 / 266

95. Fine tremor is found in:

96 / 266

96. Flapping tremor is not found in:

97 / 266

97. Which is not a recognized feature of cerebellar dysfunction?

98 / 266

98. Which of the following is false in Gerstmann’s syndrome?

99 / 266

99. The commonest cause of unilateral foot drop is:

100 / 266

100. Down-beating nystagmus is seen in:

101 / 266

101. Which of the following is not a part of Miller-Fisher syndrome?

102 / 266

102. In the setting of puerperium, which of the following is most common in producing neuro deficit?

103 / 266

103. Migraine is not associated with:

104 / 266

104. Which of the following does not fit in ‘Ramsay Hunt’ syndrome?

105 / 266

105. Neck rigidity may be absent in the presence of:

106 / 266

106. The commonest cause of convulsion in a child (2-12 yrs) is:

107 / 266

107. Glasgow Coma Scale assesses all except:

108 / 266

108. In trochlear nerve palsy, the patient complains of diplopia while:

109 / 266

109. The commonest intracranial tumour is:

110 / 266

110. In cerebral malaria, which of the following should not be given?

111 / 266

111. All of the following produces ‘cord compression’ except:

112 / 266

112. 3-Hz spike-and-wave discharge in EEG during the seizure is diagnostic of:

113 / 266

113. Brain tumour disseminating through CSF is:

114 / 266

114. Spastic paraplegia is not produced by:

115 / 266

115. Which of the following remains normal in leprosy?

116 / 266

116. Increased jaw jerk is seen in:

117 / 266

117. Fear of relapse in cancer survivors is known as:

118 / 266

118. Which is not a symptom of raised intracranial tension?

119 / 266

119. Characteristics of “rigidity’ are all except:

120 / 266

120. Which of the following is not a test for cortical sensory function?

121 / 266

121. Which is not included under ‘craniovertebral anomaly’?

122 / 266

122. Argyll Robertson pupil is found in all except:

123 / 266

123. Sarcoidosis commonly involves the cranial nerve:

124 / 266

124. Dementia pugilistica develops as a result of:

125 / 266

125. Amantadine does not produce:

126 / 266

126. Gilles de la Tourette syndrome encompasses all except:

127 / 266

127. Atypical feature of Guillain-Barre syndrome is:

128 / 266

128. Which does not produce hypoglycorrhachia (low CSF sugar)?

129 / 266

129. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is commonly due to:

130 / 266

130. Which is not parkinsonian plus syndrome?

131 / 266

131. Cerebral oedema induced by CVA should not be treated by:

132 / 266

132. All of the following may develop into endocrine myopathy except:

133 / 266

133. Monoplegia is due to lesions in:

134 / 266

134. The commonest cause of abducent nerve palsy is:

135 / 266

135. Significant loss of vision in a hypertensive patient may be due to all except:

136 / 266

136. The commonest intracranial tumour in children is:

137 / 266

137. All of the following may develop into chorea except:

138 / 266

138. The dermatome at the nipple is:

139 / 266

139. Miosis is found in all except:

140 / 266

140. The commonest type of neurofibroma is associated with:

141 / 266

141. Which is a cause of reversible dementia?

142 / 266

142. Lasegue’s sign is present in:

143 / 266

143. Cause of bilateral facial nerve palsy does not include:

144 / 266

144. Ocular bobbing is often diagnostic of bilateral damage of:

145 / 266

145. Which of the following is not included in the triad of tuberous sclerosis?

146 / 266

146. Regarding subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), all are true except:

147 / 266

147. Congenital abnormality produced by lithium therapy is:

148 / 266

148. All are seen in Alzheimer’s disease except:

149 / 266

149. Hiccough occurs in all of the following except:

150 / 266

150. Vibration sensation is lost early in:

151 / 266

151. Carbamazepine is used in all of the following except:

152 / 266

152. Pendular nystagmus is found in:

153 / 266

153. ‘Organic brain syndrome’ may be produced by:

154 / 266

154. Pseudobulbar palsy is not associated with:

155 / 266

155. Oppenheim’s gait is characteristic of:

156 / 266

156. Xenophobia is the fear of:

157 / 266

157. Refsum’s disease is associated with all except:

158 / 266

158. Which of the following is not a feature of syringobulbia?

159 / 266

159. Regarding dermatomyositis, which one is false?

160 / 266

160. Which of the following does not produce fasciculation?

161 / 266

161. In schizophrenia, a better prognosis is indicated by:

162 / 266

162. ‘Hippus’ is:

163 / 266

163. Korsakoff’s psychosis does not have the feature like:

164 / 266

164. ‘Paraplegia in flexion’ may have all of the following except:

165 / 266

165. Prophylaxis of migraine may be done by:

166 / 266

166. Oculomotor nerve palsy with a spared pupil is classically seen in:

167 / 266

167. Meralgia paraesthetica is characterised by all except:

168 / 266

168. Which organism commonly produces meningitis in an adolescent?

169 / 266

169. Intermittent bulbar palsy is seen in:

170 / 266

170. Familial periodic paralysis may be seen in all except:

171 / 266

171. Which is not characteristic of the lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg’s syndrome)?

172 / 266

172. Xanthopsia is found in:

173 / 266

173. Which of the following is not a human ‘Prion’ disease?

174 / 266

174. Lesion in athetosis lies in:

175 / 266

175. “‘Bull’s eye maculopathy’ is characteristic toxicity of:

176 / 266

176. Ptosis is absent in:

177 / 266

177. Disorder of language of cerebral origin is:

178 / 266

178. Heerfordt’s syndrome is uveo-parotid fever with cranial nerve palsy, and is seen in:

179 / 266

179. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia results from:

180 / 266

180. The lobe of the brain primarily affected in herpes simplex encephalitis is:

181 / 266

181. CNS involvement of SLE includes all except:

182 / 266

182. All of the following produce mono neuritis multiplex except:

183 / 266

183. Collet-Siccard syndrome affects the following cranial nerves:

184 / 266

184. Sensory involvement is not found in:

185 / 266

185. Tropical spastic paraplegia is caused by:

186 / 266

186. Therapeutic range of phenytoin is:

187 / 266

187. Which of the following does not produce pseudobulbar palsy?

188 / 266

188. Which of the following produces wrist drop?

189 / 266

189. Titubation is classically seen in:

190 / 266

190. Which of the following is false regarding migraine?

191 / 266

191. Patient with Down’s syndrome may be complicated by all except:

192 / 266

192. The presence of Babinski’s sign with loss of ankle jerk is found in all except:

193 / 266

193. Which is not a PRION disease?

194 / 266

194. Proximal muscle weakness is not produced by:

195 / 266

195. All of the following may cause peripheral neuropathy except:

196 / 266

196. Anterior horn cell disease is:

197 / 266

197. Multiple sclerosis is not associated with:

198 / 266

198. Which of the following is not included within ‘motor functions’?

199 / 266

199. Abdominal reflex is lost early in:

200 / 266

200. Ptosis associated with diplopia and diminished movement of eyeball is due to:

201 / 266

201. Tabes dorsalis presents with all except:

202 / 266

202. The presence of acanthocytosis of RBC, retinitis pigmentosa and ataxia is suggestive of:

203 / 266

203. The most common site of hypertensive intracranial bleeding is:

204 / 266

204. ‘India ink preparation’ in CSF helps in the diagnosis of:

205 / 266

205. Which of the following is false in subacute combined degeneration?

206 / 266

206. Myotonia dystrophica has all of the following morphological features except:

207 / 266

207. Chromosomal anomaly associated with Alzheimer’s disease is:

208 / 266

208. Which is not a manifestation of normal pressure hydrocephalus?

209 / 266

209. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia results from damage of:

210 / 266

210. Horner’s syndrome includes all of the following except:

211 / 266

211. Neck rigidity is not found in:

212 / 266

212. Astasia·abasia is known as:

213 / 266

213. The earliest skin lesion in tuberous sclerosis is:

214 / 266

214. Commonest visual difficulty in multiple sclerosis:

215 / 266

215. The commonest cause of aphasia is:

216 / 266

216. Atrophy in Duchenne myopathy is classically seen in:

217 / 266

217. The oculogyric crisis is found in all except:

218 / 266

218. Regarding acute transverse myelitis, which is false?

219 / 266

219. The best drug for photosensitive epilepsy is:

220 / 266

220. ‘Candle gutterings’ on the walls of the ventricles are seen in CT scan in:

221 / 266

221. Maligant hyperthermia may be produced by all except:

222 / 266

222. Peripheral neuropathy associated with hypertension is found in:

223 / 266

223. Which drug is not used in parkinsonism?

224 / 266

224. In health, intracranial calcification may be seen in all except:

225 / 266

225. All of the following are sources of cerebral embolism except:

226 / 266

226. Posterior column lesion will have:

227 / 266

227. Eaton-Lambert syndrome is characterized by all of the following except:

228 / 266

228. Which is not true in Korsakoff’s syndrome?

229 / 266

229. The commonest cause of anisocoria is:

230 / 266

230. Todd’s palsy is characteristic of:

231 / 266

231. All are true regarding Alzheimer’s disease except:

232 / 266

232. Which of the following is not an antiplatelet drug?

233 / 266

233. The root value of ‘Plantar response’ is:

234 / 266

234. Bromocriptine is not useful in the treatment of:

235 / 266

235. Which of the following does not produce pure motor paraplegia?

236 / 266

236. The commonest cause of subarachnoid haemorrhage is:

237 / 266

237. ‘Railroad track’ calcification in X-ray skull is found in:

238 / 266

238. Which of the following is false regarding etiology of benign intracranial hypertension?

239 / 266

239. Dilator pupillae is supplied by:

240 / 266

240. The site of lesion in Korsakoff’s psychosis is:

241 / 266

241. All of the following produce cerebellar degeneration except:

242 / 266

242. Lhermitte’s sign is not found in:

243 / 266

243. The most consistent early physical sign evoked in a cerebellopontine angle tumour is:

244 / 266

244. Thrombosis of left middle cerebral artery may give rise to:

245 / 266

245. Pyramidal signs may be associated with:

246 / 266

246. Which of the following is false regarding Eaton-Lambert syndrome?

247 / 266

247. Which of the following does not produce phakomatosis?

248 / 266

248. Inversion of supinator jerk indicates the lesion at:

249 / 266

249. All of the following may produce papilloedema except:

250 / 266

250. Weber’s syndrome is crossed hemiplegia with the involvement of:

251 / 266

251. Horner’s syndrome manifests as:

252 / 266

252. ‘On-off phenomenon’ is precipitated by:

253 / 266

253. The drug of choice in obsessive-compulsive psychosis is:

254 / 266

254. Which of the following occurs earliest in diphtheritic neuropathy?

255 / 266

255. EEG findings showing slow waves, spikes and ‘burst suppression’ are characteristic of:

256 / 266

256. Palatal myoclonus is seen in:

257 / 266

257. Reversible ischaemic neurological deficit (RIND) usually recovers within:

258 / 266

258. Main d’ accoucheur is seen in:

259 / 266

259. All are features of pontine haemorrhage except:

260 / 266

260. Berry aneurysm may be associated with all except:

261 / 266

261. Café au lait spots are found in all except:

262 / 266

262. All are ‘Calpain’ -associated. diseases except:

263 / 266

263. Lymphocytic pleocytosis in CSF is not found in:

264 / 266

264. Dermatoglyphics with obtuse ATD angle is characteristic of:

265 / 266

265. Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) stamps the process as:

266 / 266

266. Pronator sign, lizard tongue and hung-up deep reflex are found in:

Dr Abu-Ahmed
Dr Abu-Ahmed

Dr Abu Ahmed, an Internist & Graphic Designer, has brought this website to help Medical Students in the subject of Internal Medicine.

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