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Pulmonology Single Best Answer

Test your knowledge of Pulmonology.

You will be tested for 50 questions out of more than 150 questions in Pulmonology.

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1 / 50

1. Viral pneumonia may have:

2 / 50

2. Hysterical hyperventilation may be manifested by all except:

3 / 50

3. Caplan’s syndrome is coal worker’s pneumoconiosis associated with:

4 / 50

4. Reduced compliance of lung is seen in all except:

5 / 50

5. Which of the following does not belong to the triad of symptomatic bronchial asthma?

6 / 50

6. All are causes of pseudoclubbing except:

7 / 50

7. The commonest middle mediastinal mass is:

8 / 50

8. The commonest cause of death in sarcoidosis is:

9 / 50

9. Which is false regarding emphysema?

10 / 50

10. Hemorrhagic pleural effusion is not characteristic of:

11 / 50

11. Asbestosis is not related to:

12 / 50

12. Which of the following is a sex-linked disease?

13 / 50

13. In chronic bronchitis, the Reid index should be:

14 / 50

14. Rib notching exclusively in the lower border is seen in:

15 / 50

15. Low-dose aspirin is contraindicated in all except:

16 / 50

16. All of the following are complicated by cyanosis except:

17 / 50

17. ‘Closing volume’ of the lung is increased in:

18 / 50

18. Eggshell calcification in chest X-ray is characteristic of:

19 / 50

19. Scar carcinoma of the lung is:

20 / 50

20. Monophonic rhonchi are classically found in:

21 / 50

21. ‘Monday dyspnea’ is classically described in:

22 / 50

22. Expectoration of chalky sediments with gritty particles are diagnostic of:

23 / 50

23. Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage may be an immune reaction to all undermentioned drugs except:

24 / 50

24. Exudative pleural effusion is characteristic of:

25 / 50

25. Investigation of the highest diagnostic efficacy in acute pulmonary thromboembolism is:

26 / 50

26. Silo-filler’s disease is the inhalation of:

27 / 50

27. A high amylase in pleural fluid is found in all except

28 / 50

28. This is true in a predominant “blue bloater”?

29 / 50

29. Bronchoscopy was first described by:

30 / 50

30. The commonest sign of aspiration pneumonia is:

31 / 50

31. Which is not a recognized complication of cystic fibrosis?

32 / 50

32. All of the following commonly affects the upper zone of the lung in chest X-ray except:

33 / 50

33. Broncholithiasis is usually a late complication of some infections; which does not fall in this group?

34 / 50

34. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is due to:

35 / 50

35. Pulmonary fibrosis is commonly due to complications of:

36 / 50

36. Therapy in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis includes all except:

37 / 50

37. The dose of which antituberculous drug need not be reduced in severe renal failure?

38 / 50

38. Crepitations uninfluenced by coughing are found in:

39 / 50

39. The commonest cause of acute cor pulmonale is:

40 / 50

40. Laennec’s pearls and Curschmann’s spirals in sputum are characteristically seen in:

41 / 50

41. Lung abscess is not a complication of:

42 / 50

42. A characteristic feature of pulmonary hypertension does not include:

43 / 50

43. Haemorrhagic pleural effusion may be seen in:

44 / 50

44. Which of the following is not a recognised feature of fibrosing alveolitis?

45 / 50

45. Bilateral parotid enlargement is seen in all except:

46 / 50

46. Pneumatocele is found in pneumonia caused by:

47 / 50

47. Farmers’ lung is caused by:

48 / 50

48. The most predominant infective agent of the respiratory tract in cystic fibrosis is:

49 / 50

49. Which of the following is not common in primary pulmonary tuberculosis?

50 / 50

50. Which of the following is false regarding ‘ageing’?

Dr Abu-Ahmed
Dr Abu-Ahmed

Dr Abu Ahmed, an Internist & Graphic Designer, has brought this website to help Medical Students in the subject of Internal Medicine.

Articles: 25


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