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Pulmonology Single Best Answer

Test your knowledge of Pulmonology.

You will be tested for 50 questions out of more than 150 questions in Pulmonology.

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1 / 50

1. Loss of Traube’s space tympanicity is found in all except:

2 / 50

2. Bilateral parotid enlargement is seen in all except:

3 / 50

3. All of the following may aggravate bronchial asthma except:

4 / 50

4. Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis may be associated with all except:

5 / 50

5. Broncholithiasis is usually a late complication of some infections; which does not fall in this group?

6 / 50

6. Acute lung injury (ARDS) should be differentiated from:

7 / 50

7. Which is not a part of ‘Kartagener’s syndrome’?

8 / 50

8. Which one of the following is not a paraneoplastic syndrome in bronchogenic carcinoma?

9 / 50

9. Haemoptysis is characteristically seen in all except:

10 / 50

10. The commonest cause of death in sarcoidosis is:

11 / 50

11. Pure O2 therapy may produce all of the following except:

12 / 50

12. Which of the following is false regarding ‘ageing’?

13 / 50

13. Farmer’s lung is caused by:

14 / 50

14. In allergic asthma, the most important mediator for pathogenesis is:

15 / 50

15. Bilateral pleural effusion is commonly seen in:

16 / 50

16. The commonest histologic variety of bronchogenic carcinoma is:

17 / 50

17. Which of the following is not a bedside feature of fibrosing alveolitis?

18 / 50

18. Investigation of the highest diagnostic efficacy in acute pulmonary thromboembolism is:

19 / 50

19. “Creola bodies” in sputum are pathognomonic of:

20 / 50

20. The commonest cause of superior mediastinal syndrome is:

21 / 50

21. Brassy cough is seen in:

22 / 50

22. Bronchoscopy was first described by:

23 / 50

23. Characteristic body in sarcoidosis is:

  1.  B.
  2.  D. Schaumann bodies

24 / 50

24. Emphysema is associated with all except:

25 / 50

25. Chronic respiratory failure is not seen in:

26 / 50

26. Physiologic dead space is increased in all except:

27 / 50

27. Which of the following is correct in type II respiratory failure?

28 / 50

28. Which of the following is not a recognised feature of fibrosing alveolitis?

29 / 50

29. Lung abscess is not a complication of:

30 / 50

30. The commonest sign of aspiration pneumonia is:

31 / 50

31. The dome of the diaphragm is elevated in:

32 / 50

32. Exudative pleural effusion is characteristic of:

33 / 50

33. Which variety of lung carcinoma is most commonly associated with hypercalcaemia?

34 / 50

34. Haemorrhagic pleural effusion may be seen in:

35 / 50

35. The cranial nerve most commonly affected in sarcoidosis is:

36 / 50

36. Which one of the following is false in silicosis?

37 / 50

37. Which opportunistic organism commonly affects patients of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis?

38 / 50

38. Regarding diaphragmatic palsy, which is false?

39 / 50

39. Which is false regarding transudative pleural effusion?

40 / 50

40. Low voltage in ECG is seen in:

41 / 50

41. All are true in pneumomediastinum except:

42 / 50

42. Which of the following drugs may produce pleural effusion?

43 / 50

43. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) occurs in:

44 / 50

44. Hemorrhagic pleural effusion is not characteristic of:

45 / 50

45. Hepatopulmonary syndrome is characterised by all except:

46 / 50

46. Which is false regarding emphysema?

47 / 50

47. All of the following are complicated by cyanosis except:

48 / 50

48. Decreased vital capacity and decreased lung volume are common in:

49 / 50

49. Hypercarbia is associated with:

50 / 50

50. Which of the following is not associated with interstitial lung disease?

Dr Abu-Ahmed
Dr Abu-Ahmed

Dr Abu Ahmed, an Internist & Graphic Designer, has brought this website to help Medical Students in the subject of Internal Medicine.

Articles: 25


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